How To Cook Rice

Did you know that there are a lot of folks out there who have no idea How To Cook Rice? Get comfy, because this post is for you if you’re one of these people!

This recipe on How To Cook Rice features some of my own original artwork! In case you haven’t noticed, my love for art is just as strong as my love for food! If you like coloring pages, then you’ll love these food and recipe based coloring pages. You can find them here or in the link below. My coloring pages are perfect for children and adults of all ages so there’s something in my shop for everyone!

How To Cook Rice

Advantages of Rice Cookers

1.) Rice is less likely to burn at the bottom if you cook it using a rice cooker. It’s still possible to burn your rice, but in my experience, it is much more likely to happen cooking it in a giant pot.

2.) Cooking using a rice cooker general doesn’t make a difference in the nutrients received. Although I don’t think there’s a nurtitional difference in the way the rice is prepared, some nutrients can be lost in teh draining process of pot cooking. Whereas cooking rice in a rice cooker does not require water to be drained.

3.) Rice is cooked just right using the cooker method. You never have to worry about over or under cooking the rice. Simply measure the rice and the water based on the product instructions and you’re ready to go. It’s super convenient and super easy to use.

4.) Rice cookers are MUCH easier to clean than pot cooking. I don’t know about anyone else, but I find that cooking rice in a pot can be tiresome in the end. Cleaning the pot usually consists of scrubbing for hours on end or soaking the pot for hours. The dish used in a pot cooker is usually small enough to fit in a dish washer.

5.) rice stays warm all day. This is perfect for those of us who like to eat rice throughout the day. Just leave the rice in the rice cooker and it stays warm all throughout the day.

6.) It’s just so darn easy! You don’t even have to know how to cook to use rice cooker, literally anyone can do it. 

Cooking Rice

I’m back at it again guys! Still drawing and cooking recipes like I do. Today’s cooking instructions are kind of necessary considering my last recipe of stuffed peppers required rice as an ingredient. Believe it or not, there’s a lot of people out there who have no clue to cook rice. Rice and eggs are some of the first things I learned how to prepare growing up. I consider being able to cook rice essential to basic survival.

Today, I want to go over preparing rice in a rice cooker and preparing it in a large pot of boiling water. No everyone has access to a rice cooker and sometimes, cooking rice the old fashioned way can be nice sometimes, especially if you have the extra time!


So I’m not going to sit here and lie to you and say that cooking rice in a pot is fun, becauswe it’s not! Everytime I cook rice the old fashioned way, I usually end up getting a work out from scrubbing the bottom of the pot. This is especially made more difficult if rice burns or gets stuck to the pot. Personally, I use the Yum Asia Sakura Rice Cooker. It’s a bit on the expensive side, but that’s mainly because it’s a multipurpose cooker.

Rice Cooker: Yum Asia Sakura

My husband and I like to use it for slow cooking roasts and chicken. If you strictly want to use your rice cooker for just making rice, then I suggest something simpler like the Aroma Rice Cooker. Don’t like the price fool you. It’s a rather small rice cooker, but it’s high quality and ours is still working after 8 years of owning it!

If you don’t have a rice cooker, a good ol’ fashioned cooking pot will do the trick. Just be sure to read the instructions on the rice for pot cooking. 

Rice Cooking Instructions

Preparation Time: 30 minutes

Serves: 4


2 cups of water

2 cups of long grain rice

1/2 teasoon of sea salt or Himilayan salt

1 tablespoon of olive oil


Rice Cooker Instructions

1.) Rinse the longrain rice in the cooker pot. Sift through the rice with your hands in cold water to clean it thorougly. Drain the rice and rinse one more time, draining the water again like the first time.

How To Cook Rice

2.) Pour 2 cups of water in to the rice pot. Place the pot back in to the rice cooker and plug the cord in to the wall. Close the lid and press the start button. Allow for the rice too cook for around 25-30 minutes or until the rice cooker turns off.

How To Cook Rice

Old Fashion Cooking Instructions

1.) Bring 2 cups of water to a boil in the pot on high heat. Once the water is boining, pour salt and olive oil in to the pot until the water is back to a boil.  Combine the rice in to the pot. Stir the rice together with the salt and olive oil in the water. 

How To Cook Rice

2.) Cover the pot and reduce the heat to low. Stir the rice after about 10-15 minutes to reduce rice from sticking to the pot. Cover and continue to cook for 10-15 more minutes.

How To Cook Rice

3.) The entire cooking process should take about 20-30 minutes depending on how much rice you have used. Once the rice is fully cooked, remove the rice from heat and allow the rice to set for about 5 minutes. Most all of the water should be absorbed in the pot, but allowing it to sit will help to absorb any remaining moisture. 

4.) Use a wooden spoon to stir the finished rice in a pot. Add butter for flavor and for additional fluff to the rice. Serve rice in bowls and enjoy!

How To Cook Rice

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