How To Make Hot Chocolate
Just made a super easy recipe for How To Make Hot Chocolate for the colder months ahead. Keep reading to learn more about it!
This recipe on How To Make Hot Chocolate is my latetst recipe to feature my own artwork! In case you haven’t noticed, my love for art is just as strong as my love for food! If you like coloring pages, then you’ll love these food and recipe based coloring pages. You can find them here or in the link below. My coloring pages are great for children and adults of all ages. I have something in my shop for everyone who loves a good coloring page!

The Origin of Hot Chocolate
Hot chocolate is a heated beverage made of milk and melted chocolate. This chocolaty drink is believed to have been first enjoyed by the ancient Mayans as early as 500 BC or nearly 3000 years ago. The Mayans referred to their hot chocolate as Xocolatl. Xocolatl was believed to be less sweet and more bitter than the modern variant of the drink.
Hot chocolate became gained popularity throughout Europe upon arriving in Mexico during colonial times. Believe it or not, hot chocolate was actually used a medicine to cure various stomach ailments until the 1900s. During the turn of the last century, hot chocolate began to appear on grocery store shelves in instant powder form. The later versions of the drink is typically made sweeter and often topped with small marshmallows.
Delicious Hot Chocolate
Just want to start this out by saying I hope you enjoyed my homemade crepes recipe. I had a lot of fun writing and illustrating for it and am happy to have been able to share it that with you guys. Today’s recipe is going to be first the drink based post I’ve made on this blog. The weather has begun to shift here where we live so I wanted to start posting some of my favorite fall and winter drink recipes.
There’s just something about hot chocolate that makes my heart smile. Even more so if it’s homemade, there’s just that extra bit of love in it than the stuff that comes out of the box! Before we begin, allow me to just walk you through some of the supplies you’ll be needing for this hot chocolate recipe!
The primary tool needed for this recipe is going to be a sauce pan. Allow me to take a moment to divulge to you all how wonderful it is to have a full set of cast iron pots and pans! I personally have this cute saucepan right here from Bayou Classic. It’s not incredibly big but it’s deep enough for cooking and melting sauces with.
Your second tool for this recipe is going to be a whisk. I don’t think I need to go over what this is used for! With that, I think we’re finally ready to begin making our recipe!
Hot Chocolate Cooking Instructions
Preparation Time: 15-20 minutes
Serves: 4
4 cups of milk, whole
1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
1/4 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup of bitter or semi-sweet chocolate
Cooking Instructions
1.) In a medium sized bowl, add cocoa powder and sugar. Combine ingredients using a whisk.
2.) Using a saucepan, add milk as well as the bowl of dry ingredients. Add in the unsweetened chocolate and vanilla extract, whisk ingredients together. Place the pan over medium heat on the stove and bring to a slight boil, stirring continuosly.

Stir until the chocolate pieces are completely melted. Once all of the ingredients are melted together, set the pot aside to cool. Serve hot chocolate with marshmallowes if you desire.

Written by MrsDeannaM
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