How To Make Crepes

Have you always been curious about How To Make Crepes? So was I, so I tried it for myself. Follow the recipe below to learn how!

This recipe on How To Make Crepes features some of my very own original artwork! In case you haven’t noticed, my love for art is just as strong as my love for food! If you like coloring pages, then you’ll love these food and recipe based coloring pages. You can find them here or in the link below. My coloring pages are great for children and adults of all ages. I have something in my shop for everyone who loves a good coloring page!

How To Make Crepes

The Origin of Crepes

The crepe is a very thin pancake first created in Brittany, France during the 13th century. Historically, crepes are served with fruits, jams, spreads and fillings. Traditionally, the crepe was served during a Christian holiday known as Candlemas Day or the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This day is now known in France as The Day of Crepes (Le Jour des Crêpes) in recent years.

There are two primary types of crepes that have become popular throughout the years. These are known as the Sweet and Savory crepe. Sweet crepes are most commonly served during breakfast and brunch and are made using wheat flour. Savory crepes on the other hand are generally served during lunch and dinner and are often made using wheat or buckwheat flour.

Crepes are most commonly found in European countries like France, Germany and Sweden. But varients of the recipe have also been found in Japan, Malaysia, Argentina and of course, North America. The Harajuku crepe is a delicious sweet treat that can be found all throughout the Shibuya district. Harajuku crepes are considred a popular street food in Japan.

Breakfast Crepes With Fruit

Crepes are one of my first go to meals to eat when I go out to eat breakfast. This is almost embarassing for me to admit but my guilty pleasure meal are IHOP strawberries & cream crepes. My husband and I rarely ever eat out unless we’re on the road and I can never seem to get enough of this entree when I’m away from home! Even more embarassingly, I don’t think I’d ever eaten crepes until I’d eaten these ones!

Since I’d enjoyed eating these crepes so much, that I decided to teach myself how to make them from home. I’ve always been a sucker for homecooking so if I can make it myself, I will. Making homemade crepes are a lot easier to make than original anticipated. It’s a lot like making skinny pancakes or tortillas actually. If you don’t have a problem making pancakes, you’ll have no issues cooking crepes.


Some tools of choice for today’s recipe are pretty basic. You’ll need a regular sized skillet or frying pan like this cast iron one I purchased from Amazon. The frying pan is essential for actually cooking your crepes on the stove. If you don’t already have these, you’ll need a medium mixing bowl and whisk or an electric hand mixer for combining your ingredients. Personally, I pefer to use a whisk over a hand mixer out of simplicity. What can I say? I’m just a simple woman!

Once you’ve made sure that you have all of the above tools, you’re now ready to begin cooking!

Breakfast Crepes Cooking Instructions

Preparation Time: 35-40 minutes

Serves: 4


1 cup of all purpose wheat flour

2 large eggs, room temperature

1 cup of milk

2 tbsp of butter, melted

1 cup of water

1/4 tsp of sea salt

1 tsp of granulated sugar

Olive oil for cooking the crepes

bowl of mixed fruits as a topping (strawberry, blueberry and raspberry)

powdered sugar as a topping

whipped cream (optional)

Cooking Instructions

1.) In a medium to large mixing bowl, combine flour, salt and sugar using a whisk. Once the dry ingredients are properly blended, mix in the eggs, milk, water and melted butter.

How To Make Crepes

2.) Mix until the batter is thick and smooth with no lumps. Let the mixture set for about 30 minutes.


How To Make Crepes
How To Make Crepes

3.) Put 1/2 tbsp of olive oil in to a skillet and heat over medium. Once the oil is heated, pour 1/4 of the batter in to the skillet on an even layer. 

How To Make Crepes

4.) Cook for a 2 minutes or until the batter has settled on the pan. Flip the crepe over on the other side and cook for another 2 minutes or until golden brown. Adjust the heat as needed. Repeat this process until all of the crepes are cooked.

5.) Fold the crepes and on a plate and top with fruit, powdered sugar and whipped cream. Serve and enjoy!

How To Make Crepes
Crepes on a plate

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